Field Trial Support

Field Trial Support

Knowing the efficacy of your innovative product is essential for a successful market entry. Auxilife support your success with quality field trials and biological assessments in India. Our agronomic and scientific experts help you in designing and conducting supervised field trials for all types of plant protection products (PPPs). We offer field trial support at multiple locations for:


  • Plant protection products
  • Plant nutrients
  • Bio-stimulants and
  • Plant growth regulators

Assist you to demonstrate efficacy of your product in field crops, plantation crops and horticultural crops across Indian climatic zones, seasons and climatic conditions.

Key Services

    • Trial protocols
    • Test Site Selection
    • Planting, sowing and marking signposting at location
    • Study designing and field trial planning
    • Location selection and coordination with farmers
    • Field trials in various crops
    • Trial coordination and monitoring
    • Summary reports preparation
    • Dose optimization post exploratory trial


  1. How to conduct field trials in India?
  2. Bioefficacy field trial in India?
  3. Agrochemical bio efficacy field trials in India?
  4. Pesticide field trials in India?

We support you to get answer for all these questions so you can prepare a robust strategy. Let’s connect with us today!